Course Section Location Type - Approved Course Section Location Type Data Standards
TO: Admissions Officers, Continuing Education Officers, Public Information Officers,
Human Resources Development, President’s Assistants, Business Officers, Chief
Financial Officers, Chief Academic Officers, Basic Skills Directors, Data Coordinators
FROM: President Dr. Pamela Senegal, Chairperson, NCCCS Data Governance Committee
SUBJECT: Course Section Location Type
Approved Course Section Location Type Data Standards
DATE: February 10, 2022
To improve data quality for the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS), the State
Board of Community Colleges has charged the NCCCS Data Governance Committee (DGC) with
approving systemwide data standards, including definitions for data elements used
throughout NCCCS (see 1D SBCCC 400.4(c)). In February 2021, the North Carolina Community
College DGC initiated the process to adopt standard definitions and workflows for Course
Section Location Types. The Committee has approved updated definitions and workflows
documented below after incorporating comments received during the review period. A
maintenance plan has also been added.
Colleges are requested to note the workflow implementation and maintenance guidelines.
Beginning Spring 2022, The System Office will implement a new error checking process which
will flag invalid location codes, and corrections will be required before college ICR
submissions are accepted in the NCCCS data warehouse.
For proactive training and assistance, please submit a Service Now ticket. System Office IT Staff
will be glad to provide guidance on workflows and address any questions you may have.
Course Section Location Type Standards
Main Campus:
Primary campus location in the community college service area where the college provides
instruction, as designated by the Trustees of the college.
Workflow guidance:
• Establishment requires State Board approval 1B SBCCC 200.1. Once established, name
changes require State Board notification 1B SBCCC 200.2.
• Any course section that is delivered 100% online (Instruction Method=IN), and is not for
Captive/Co-Opted groups, should be coded to the Main Campus.
• Main Campus is identified with a location type code that begins with a “1.”
• Main Campus locations include “Main Campus” in the location type name.
• There is only one Main Campus per community college.
Multi-Campus Center (MCC):
According to 1B SBCCC 200.3, “A Multi-Campus Center (MCC) is a convenience location in the
community college service area to provide appropriate population and geographic access for
community outreach, testing, faculty and staff offices, as well as literacy, continuing education,
and curriculum instruction.” For the criteria for establishing Multi-Campus Centers, see 1B
SBCCC 200.3.
Workflow guidance:
• At MCCs, comprehensive instructional support functions including, but not limited to
libraries and student development services, are parts of the operation.
• The MCC must provide students the opportunity to complete at least one associate
degree at the MCC.
• The MCC must be at least ten (10) miles from the Main Campus or other MCC locations
or the college must provide evidence that the MCC is established in a location where the
Main Campus or other MCC locations cannot adequately provide community college
programs and services. This provision only applies to MCCs established after the
effective date of 1B SBCCC 200.3.
• Colleges shall obtain prior approval and maintain approval of the MCC from the
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
Programs and services provided through MCCs shall comply with The Principles of
Accreditation: Foundation for Quality Enhancement of SACSCOC.
• County government provides support for maintenance and operation of the MCC
physical plant.
• The college must demonstrate that they have developed an instructional program and
services plan including, but not limited to a description of programs, staffing, and
instructional support functions for the MCC.
• The MCC must enroll a minimum of 300 (curriculum, occupational extension, or basic
skills) budget FTE via traditional, blended, or hybrid instruction originating from and
delivered at that MCC location.
• The physical facility or facilities for the MCC must either be owned or leased on a long-term
basis by the college as defined in the NCCCS Capital Improvement Guide.
• Establishment requires State Board approval 1B SBCCC 200.3. Designation changes
require State Board notification.
• MCCs are typically identified with a location type code that begins with a “2.”
• MCCs include “Campus” in the location type name.
• For hybrid and blended instruction where the face-to-face instruction portion of the
course occurs at the MCC, a building associated with the MCC location must be used for
the online portion of the course.
Off-Campus Center (OCC):
An Off-Campus Center (OCC) is a convenience location in the community college service area
where the college provides instruction.
Workflow guidance:
• Does not meet all requirements in 1B SBCCC 200.3 for a Multi-Campus Center.
• Does not require curriculum instruction.
• The physical facility or facilities for the OCC must either be owned or leased on a long-term
basis by the college as defined in the NCCCS Capital Improvement Guide.
• Establishment does not require State Board approval but does require System Office
• OCCs are identified with a location type code that begins with a “5.”
• OCCs include “Center” in the location type name.
• For hybrid and blended instruction where the face-to-face instruction portion of the
course occurs at the OCC, a building associated with the OCC location must be used for
the online portion of the course.
High School Location (HS):
High School (HS) locations are high schools in the community college service area where the
college provides instruction.
Workflow guidance:
• The focus is on the physical location of the instruction, not the students served.
• Can include public or private HS locations.
• HS locations are identified with a location type code of 9500. Specific HS locations can
be built as locations associated with the location type of 9500.
• For hybrid and blended instruction where the face-to-face instruction portion of the
course occurs at the HS location, a building associated with the HS location must be
used for the online portion of the course.
Captive/Co-Opted Facilities:
Captive/Co-Opted facilities are locations in the community college service area that serve
Captive/Co-Opted groups as defined by State Board Code 1D SBCCC 700.98 where colleges
provide instruction. Colleges may provide instruction to both Captive/Co-Opted (e.g., inmates,
patients) and Non-Captive/Co-Opted (e.g., staff) groups at these locations.
- Federal Prison (FED): A facility operated under the jurisdiction of the federal
government for the confinement of inmates. - State Prison (DPS): A facility operated under the jurisdiction of North Carolina’s
Department of Public Safety (NCDPS) for the confinement of inmates. - Juvenile Detention Center (JDC): A facility operated by the NCDPS Juvenile Justice
section to temporarily house youths alleged to have committed a delinquent act or to
be a runaway. Youths are generally placed in a juvenile detention center while awaiting
a court hearing, or until another placement can be found, either in a community-based
program or service or in a youth development center. - Youth Development Center (YDC): A facility operated by the NCDPS Juvenile Justice
section to provide education and treatment services to prepare committed youth to
successfully transition to a community setting. This type of commitment is the most
restrictive, intensive dispositional option available to the juvenile courts in North
Carolina. The structure of the juvenile code limits this disposition to those juveniles who
have been adjudicated for violent or serious offenses or who have a lengthy delinquency
history. - Local Jail or Detention Center: A facility operated by one or more units of local
government (city, county, or region) for the confinement of inmates. - Private Treatment or Rehabilitation Center: A privately operated treatment or
rehabilitation center in the community college service area where the college provides
instruction as defined by State Board Code 1D SBCCC 700.98(a).
Workflow guidance:
• Requires System Office Application (see KB0010400) and State Board approval. Note: All
colleges have received approval to offer BSP and HRD courses in Jail locations
(see Course of Instruction to Captive/Co-Opted Groups).
• Any instruction that happens for Captive/Co-Opted groups, regardless of Course
Section Delivery Method, should be coded to a Captive/Co-Opted facility location type.
• Applicable course sections must also be coded to include an approved immured group
• For hybrid and blended instruction where the face-to-face instruction portion of the
course occurs at the Captive/Co-Opted facility, a building associated with the
Captive/Co-Opted location must be used for the online portion of the course.
Other Community Location:
Other Community Locations are convenience locations in the community college service area
where the college provides instruction that does not meet the definition of a Multi-Campus
Center, Off-Campus Center, High School, or Captive/Co-Opted facility. Other Community
Locations are identified with a location type code of 9000.
Workflow guidance:
• For hybrid and blended instruction, where the face-to-face instruction portion of the
course occurs at the Other Community Location, a building associated with
the Other Community Location must be used for the online portion of the course.
Course Sections Delivered in Multiple Locations
For course sections that are taught in multiple locations, colleges must assign the location
where majority of the course is delivered.
If a course section is delivered equally between locations, the following priority order should be
used to assign a primary location:
1. Main Campus
2. Multi-Campus Center
3. Off-Campus Center
4. High School Location
5. Captive/Co-Opted Facilities
6. Other Community Location
Example: Multi-Campus center will be the primary location for a course that is taught equally
between at a Multi-Campus Center and a High School.
Maintenance Plan
The System Office maintains a comprehensive list of all Colleges active and historic location
codes. To ensure this information is current, colleges are requested to follow guidelines noted
Workflow Guidance: New Locations-Request New Code
Step 1: In addition to any email notifications and State Board Approvals process noted
above, college will need to open a ServiceNow® Incident assigned to the Student
Programs and Services IT team requesting the new Class location code.
Step 2: Student Programs and Services IT team will determine the type of location code
being requested (i.e., Captive, MCC, OCC) and will work with the Business Division and
the College to ensure that all the appropriate documentation is in place to support the
assignment of a new code. If the request for a new location code is not approved by the
Business Owner, the decision will be noted in the incident with supporting
documentation and the incident will be closed.
Step 3: If the new location is approved by the Business Division and:
a. the location is a new DPS facility, Student Programs and Services IT team will
provide the location code determined by the college and other location
details (college, type of location, address, any relevant notes) for the Data
Warehouse (DW) team to update the System Office (SO) Class Location Table
by creating a task within the incident.
b. the location is a non-DPS facility, a task will be created and assigned to the
DW team to assign a new location code. The DW team will select a distinct
code that conforms with the numbering conventions in the SO Class Location
Table (MCC = 2XXX, OCC =5XXX, Non-DPS Captive and/or Youth = 8XXX) and
update the SO Class Location Table. The INC number should be referenced in
the Notes column on the table.
Step 4: Once the table is updated, the DW team will alert Business Division and the
Student Programs and Services IT team of what that code is and the effective date.
Effective date is always the first date of the term in which the request was granted. For
example, a request approved in July 2022 would have an effective date back to the first
day of the Summer 2022 Term (05/16/2022).
Step 5: Student Programs and Services IT team will inform the college of the new
location code and effective date, provide guidance on how to enter the location code in
their local system, update supporting documentation (KB Articles) and close the
Workflow Guidance: Site Closure – Remove Existing Code
Within 30 days of local Board approvals and no later than the official date of site
closure, colleges are required to submit an official notification letter from the College
President to the System Office. In addition, colleges must follow the steps outlined
Step 1: College will need to open a ServiceNow® Incident for the Student Programs and
Services IT team requesting change in status of an existing Class location code from
Active to Inactive and provide the date of this change.
Step 2: Student Programs and Services IT team will review the request, confirm the
changes that will be made and note that on the incident. A task will be added for the
Data Warehouse team with details on the changes required including any relevant
notes. The DW team will update the SO Class Location Table and notify the Student
Programs and Services IT team. Student Programs and Services IT team will follow up
with colleges with guidance on making changes locally and close the incident.
Workflow Guidance: Change in Code
Step 1: College will need to open a ServiceNow® Incident for the Student Programs and
Services IT team requesting changes to an existing Class location code.
Step 2: Student Programs and Services IT team will review the request, confirm the
changes that will be made and note that on the incident. A task will be added for the
Data Warehouse team with details on the changes required including any relevant
notes. The DW team will update the SO Class Location Table and notify the Student
Programs and Services IT team. Student Programs and Services IT team will follow up
with colleges with guidance on making changes locally and close the incident.
Workflow Guidance: Site Reopening -Change in Status
Colleges should follow the same approval and workflow guidance note for new codes, to
reactivate an existing location to Active Status.