Extension of Public Comment Period for 1B SBCCC 100.1 Definitions

From: Tawanda Foster Artis, NCCCS General Counsel
To: Basic Skills Directors,Board of Trustees Chairs,Business Officers,Chief Academic Officers,Chief Admissions Officers,Chief Financial Officers,Community College Presidents,Continuing Education Officers,Customized Training Directors,Financial Aid Officers,Other Interested Parties,Public Information Officers,Registrars,State Board of Community Colleges,Student Development Administrators




TO: Members of the State Board of Community Colleges,
Community College Presidents,
Boards of Trustees Chairs,
Community College Chief Academic Officers, Chief Admissions Officers, Basic
Skills Directors, Business Officers, Continuing Education Officers, Customized
Training Directors, Distance Learning, Chief Financial Officers, Continuing
Education Officers, Financial Aid Officers, Personnel Directors, Student
Development Administrators, Public Information Officers, Registrars, & Other
Interested Parties


FROM: Tawanda Foster Artis
NCCCS General Counsel


SUBJECT: Extension of Public Comment Period for 1B SBCCC 100.1 Definitions


DATE: April 27, 2022


The State Board of Community Colleges (“SBCC”) has approved an extension of
the public comment period for the proposed amendment of 1B SBCCC 100.1. This
action extends the public comment period until July 31, 2022, to allow colleges,
stakeholders, and the public to provide additional comments on the proposed
amendment. This proposed amendment adds a definition for “Hybrid Flexible (HyFlex)”
to the types of approved instruction methods in State board governance.


The proposed amendment is published on the NC Community College System’s
website, www.nccommunitycolleges.edu/sbcccode. For your convenience, a copy of the
proposed rule, with the changes indicated, are attached to this memorandum.
Strikethroughs indicate deletions of existing language and underlines indicate additions
of language.


Any member of the public has the right to submit written comments on the
proposed rule. Please note that any person who submits public comments on behalf of
their community college should comply with their college’s local process for submitting
comments on a proposed rule. Written comments on the rule must be received by no later
than 5:00 p.m. on July 31, 2022. Written comments shall be directed to the following
address: Tawanda Foster Artis, 5001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-5001 or by
email to publiccomments@nccommunitycolleges.edu.


1A SBCCC 200.3(a)(3) allows the State Board of Community Colleges to waive
provisions of the Code to address unforeseen circumstances where notice and hearing
requirements would be contrary to the public interest of students or other community
college stakeholders. This action by the State Board allows for an extended public
comment period on this proposed amendment.


If you have specific questions about this action, please contact the NC Community
College System Office’s Legal Affairs Department. Thank you for your attention to this




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