Fall 2023 Academic Calendar Flexibility

From: William Carver II, NCCCS Interim President
To: Community College Presidents




TO: Community College Presidents


FROM: William S. Carver, II, Interim President


RE: Academic Calendar Flexibility for Fall 2023


DATE: October 13, 2022


The purpose of this memo is to provide colleges additional flexibility when scheduling the Fall 2023
academic term. College boards of trustees, per 1G SBCCC 200.93, have the authority to establish the
beginning and end date of the Fall term within the timeframe of August 15 – December 31, unless the
System President grants an exception. Given that August 14 falls on a Monday, a blanket exception will be
allowed. All colleges wanting to begin the Fall 2023 term on August 14 may do so given the following
conditions are met:


• The college’s Fall 2023 term must begin after the Summer 2023 term end date.
• The Summer Term should end no later than August 13.


Colleges utilizing this temporary flexibility do not need to submit a request or any additional


Please be reminded that colleges have the flexibility to determine the length of the Summer 2023 term
and individual course sections may vary if credit hours are assigned. Membership hours must be reported
in consistence with System policies. Colleges may also use existing flexibility to schedule curriculum course
sections that fall outside the academic term beginning. Course end dates can be adjusted if needed
to meet the needs of constituent groups (for example, courses provided at high schools, military
bases, prisons, or at the specific request of business).


CC: Levy Brown, Vice President and Chief Academic Officer




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