Proposed Adoption of Title 4— ApprenticeshipNC, Chapter A. General Provisions
TO: Members of the State Board of Community Colleges Community College Presidents Chairs of the Boards of Trustees Community College Chief Academic Officers, Chief Admissions Officers, Basic Skills Directors, Business Officers, Continuing Education Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Financial Aid Officers, Public Information Officers, Registrars, Student Development Administrators, & Other Interested Parties
FROM: Tawanda Foster Artis General Counsel
DATE: August 25, 2021
SUBJECT: Proposed Adoption of Title 4—ApprenticeshipNC, Chapter A. General Provisions
On August 20, 2021, the State Board of Community Colleges voted to adopt a new title into the State Board Code, Title 4—ApprenticeshipNC. Within this Title, there are two chapters: Chapter A. General Provisions and Chapter B. Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship. The main purpose of Chapter A. is to incorporate into the State Board Code the federal rules that govern registered apprenticeships. Chapter A. also contains additional rules related to the administration of the ApprenticeshipNC program, including definitions, the registration of apprenticeship programs and individual apprentices, and qualifications of apprentices (see rules 4A SBCCC 100.2 through 100.12). These rules do not change how the current ApprenticeshipNC program operates.
The adoption will be effective September 1, 2021. The new title will be published on the NC Community College System’s website, For your convenience, a copy of the rule in its final form is attached to this memorandum.