Proposed Amendment of 1D SBCCC 300.4 – Program Management

From: Tawanda Foster Artis, NCCCS General Counsel
To: Basic Skills Directors,Board of Trustees Chairs,Business Officers,Chief Academic Officers,Chief Admissions Officers,Chief Financial Officers,Community College Presidents,Continuing Education Officers,Customized Training Directors,Financial Aid Officers,Other Interested Parties,Personnel Directors,Public Information Officers,Registrars,State Board of Community Colleges,Student Development Administrators




TO: Members of the State Board of Community Colleges,
Chairs of the Community College Boards of Trustees,
Community College Presidents, Chief Academic
Officers, Chief Admissions Officers, Basic Skills Directors,
Business Officers, Continuing Education Officers, Customized
Training Directors, Chief Financial Officers, Financial Aid
Officers, Personnel Directors, Student Development
Administrators, Public Information Officers, Registrars, & Other
Interested Parties


FROM: Tawanda Foster Artis
NCCCS General Counsel


SUBJECT: Proposed Amendment of 1D SBCCC 300.4 – Program Management


DATE: November 22, 2022



The State Board of Community Colleges has initiated the rulemaking process to amend
1D SBCCC 300.4 – Program Management. This proposed amendment would allow
“qualified youth” over age 15 and under age 18 to enroll in fire-training courses on a
specialized list approved by the State Board of Community Colleges in accordance with
G.S. 115D-5(b)(2). Colleges would be able to earn fulltime-equivalent (FTE) hours for
minors enrolled in fire training courses.


The proposed amendment is published on the NC Community College System’s website, For your convenience, a copy of the proposed
rule, with the changes indicated, are attached to this memorandum. Strikethroughs
indicate deletions of existing language and underlines indicate additions of language.




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