State Board Blanket CCR & HRD Captive Approval

From: Gilda Rubio-Festa, Associate Vice President, College and Career Readiness,Nate Humphrey, Associate Vice President, Workforce and Continuing Education Programs
To: CC Basic Skills Directors,Chief Academic Officers,Continuing Education Officers


TO: Chief Academic Officers Senior Continuing Education Administrators Basic Skills Directors

FROM: Nate Humphrey Associate VP, Workforce and Continuing Education Programs Gilda Rubio-Festa Associate VP, College and Career Readiness

SUBJECT: State Board Blanket CCR & HRD Captive Approval

DATE: November 30, 2021


The purpose of this memo is to notify colleges of action taken by the State Board at its November meeting related to College and Career Readiness (CCR) and Human Resources Development (HRD) offerings to Captive/Co-Opted Groups. Effective November 19, 2021, all current and future CCR and HRD courses in the combined course library to be offered to Captive/Co-opted groups are approved so long as instructional services are provided under the current operating procedures, policies, State Board of Community Colleges Code, NC General Statutes (NCGS), and contingent upon availability of funds. This approval applies to all NC Community Colleges providing instructional services to all Captive/Co-opted Groups authorized under current policy.


Colleges will recall, the State Board previously provided blanket approval for the operation of College and Career Readiness (CCR) courses within all Captive/Co-opted facilities at its December 2019 meeting. This action provided blanket approval for BSP-2000 and any local derivatives of this state master course. With this action, all new courses in CCR and HRD will NOT require further State Board action to be offered to Captive/Co-opted groups. All Captive/Co-Opted Groups offerings must continue to comply with all other operating procedures, policy, State Board of Community Colleges Code, and NC General Statutes.


Questions should be directed to Karen Tikkanen at or Michael Tilley at


CC: Continuing Education Registrars CC: Human Resources Development Directors CC: Registrars CC: Planners



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