This page serves as the repository for resources shared with the field during the transition for college Title ll programs to ADVANSYS.



LEIS Manual

Colleague to ADVANSYS Report Crosswalk

How to use the Table 4 Excel Analysis Tool

  • First, run a current Table 4 and a current Table 4B (save/print as pdf).
  • On the first tab of the Excel template, fill in the last column with your internal MSG target for the year, then enter your data from Table 4 to the first page. 
  • On the second tab, enter your data from Table 4B. 
  • Lastly, on the third tab, enter the average hours needed to post test in ABE/ASE and ESL on the NRS assessment(s) used at your institution… the rest of the Excel sheet will populate for you from there.

Recording IELCE_IET_workplace Literacy  Outcomes in ADVANSYS


Colleague to ADVANSYS – Roadmap to Production (updated 6/15/23)

Resolve Person Match Request PERC 5/17/23

2023-2024 ADVANSYS Tour



200 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

(919) 807-7100