Program Quality and Accountability

The Program Quality and Accountability team ensures accountability at the local level through technical assistance with regards to state, federal, and local policies and how they impact quality and accountable programs. This page provides tools, resources, and guidance related to data and performance related activities under WIOA.


National Reporting System Assessment Training

Training is essential for a quality assessment system. All staff who either administer or score any standardized assessment used to measure educational gain must be trained before administering the tests.


State Performance Measures

Post-Exit Measures for 2024-2025 Program Year

  • North Carolina​ Employment (Second Quarter After Exit): 41.0%
  • North Carolina​ Employment (Fourth Quarter After Exit): 41.0%
  • North Carolina Median Earnings (Second Quarter After Exit): $5,000
  • North Carolina Credential Attainment Rate: 31.0%
  • North Carolina Measurable Skill Gains: 43.6%



Introduction to Title II Performance and Accountability Requirements

This course provides information about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) performance indicators and the National Reporting System’s (NRS) accountability system for reporting literacy data.

NRS Online Courses (self-paced) 

The NRS support project developed nine (9) online courses for adult education practitioners to learn about NRS and WIOA requirements and strategies to improve NRS data quality and use. Since it is not always possible to attend training in person, these courses are designed to offer flexibility and convenience. Please visit the link below to create an account and get started today!


Power BI June 21 and 22, 2021



For WIOA Compliance Information CLICK HERE

CCR Post-Exit Indicators FAQ

Workforce Continuing Education Courses Eligible for Title II post-secondary transition.

2024-2025 NC Assessment Manual (changes are highlighted in yellow)

MSG 1-5 Guidance (2024-2025)


College & Career Readiness Dashboards 

The North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) dashboards allow users to explore and interact with NCCCS data by theme or program. The dashboards are designed to help providers access the data and information needed to facilitate institutional effectiveness and program improvement. Dashboards include data specific to Basic Skills/College & Career Readiness programs.  This information is available through Dashboards.


Literacy Education Information System (LEIS) Form - Make sure print settings are set to landscape orientation when printing forms.

LEIS Fillable Form revised April 2024



Other Resources

200 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

(919) 807-7100