Beverly Carter

I began my journey to Wilson Community College to acquire a degree in Accounting. I was a nurse for approximately sixteen years and worked diligently at doing so. Due to battling cancer for the last thirty-one years, my immune system would no longer allow me to work in this field. I am here by the sweet grace of God and I know He is not finished with me yet and has a plan for me to continue to help people by a different avenue.
I have successfully completed my first semester with an “A” in each course I was enrolled, as well as a 4.0 and made the Dean’s List. I continue to strive for academic excellence in myself and work extremely hard to fulfill my future goals, not only as an Accounting Major, but to find work with a reputable firm that instills God’s values and morals in dealing with their business acquisitions, both personal and public. I am especially delighted with the training given by all my instructors and their willingness to be there to serve each of us as students.