February 2020

Request for Program Cover Design Proposals

CCRMonthly Email Update –February 2020College and Career Readiness | February2020 | Page 1of 3Important Dates for Continuation PlanPlease remember that the deadline for submission of thecontinuation grant applications for231, 243, and 225 funds is March 2, 2020, at 5:00 pm. Submissions received after that time cannot be accepted. After your applications have been uploaded to the portal, you will receive an email from Judy Howell; please do not expect this notification to be immediate. No other notifications will be sent until after the State Board of Community Colleges has met and approved the slate of grantees. This notification will be sent in the form of a budget award packetfrom our finance office sometime after July 1st.As always, the grant award period is from July 1 throughJune 30 of the succeeding year.

See attached for more.

Course of Instruction to Captive Co-Opt groups

The State Board is asked to approve the following to be offered to Captive/Co‐opted groups as listed, to be offered to Captive/Co‐opted Groups under current operating procedures.

See attached for more.

Captive Programs

Session Law 2019-235 (Senate Bill 61), Community Colleges Budget/2019-21 Biennium, was signed into law on November 1, 2019 and except where otherwise noted is effective July 1, 2019. Section 3.4 of this act included below, amends statute and prior session law to change how colleges provide instruction to captive students both in prison and jail environments, beginning with the 2019-20 academic year

See attached for more.

Performance Partnership webinar series

See attached for more.


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