NEWS ADVISORY :: NC Education Leaders Address Increasing Statewide Teacher Pipeline
Articulation agreement creates a new pathway from community colleges to UNC system
RALEIGH – North Carolina education leaders will announce a new pathway for students to smoothly transfer from a North Carolina community college to a university within the University of North Carolina System. The announcement will include the signing of a Comprehensive Articulation Agreement that will increase opportunities for community college students to transfer to a teacher education / educator preparation program within the UNC system. The agreement addresses the critical teacher shortage in North Carolina.
President Thomas Stith, NC Community College System
President Peter Hans, The University of North Carolina System
Monday, Aug. 23, 11 a.m.
Virtual event to be livestreamed through the NC Community College System Office YouTube channel.
For follow-up interview requests, please contact Sharon Gladwell, executive director of communications, NC Community College System.
About the North Carolina Community College System
North Carolina’s community college system comprises “The Great 58” community colleges throughout the state. It is the third largest community college system in the nation that serves more than 500,000 students a year. The mission of the North Carolina Community College System is to open the door to high-quality, accessible educational opportunities that minimize barriers to post-secondary education, maximize student success, develop a globally and multi-culturally competent workforce, and improve the lives and well-being of individuals. Thomas A. Stith III is the president (10th). The system is controlled by the State Board of Community Colleges, chaired by Dr. Breeden Blackwell. Students who attended NC community colleges from July 2009 to June 2019 accounted for 33% of all North Carolina wage earners, totaling 1.7M people and $60B wages earned in FY 2020.
About the University of North Carolina System
The University of North Carolina System enrolls more than 240,000 students at 17 campuses, including the state’s 16 public universities and the nation’s first public residential high school for academically gifted students. The UNC System is among the strongest and most diverse higher education systems in the country, with over $1.5 billion in research expenditures and universities that serve every region of the state. Affiliate organizations include UNC Health and PBS North Carolina, with its 12-station broadcast network.