State Board Installs New Board Members, Elects New Officers, Approves New Presidents and Executive Director of BioNetwork & Life Sciences

RALEIGH – Last month, the State Board of Community Colleges approved the selection of Dr. Pam Senegal as the president of Piedmont Community College (PCC) and Mr. Brent Harpham as the Executive Director of BioNetwork & Life Sciences.
Dr. Senegal replaced retired president Dr. Walter Bartlett after serving over 7 years as president of PCC. Senegal, who served as Vice President of Economic and Community Development at Central Carolina Community College in Sanford, began her role as the fifth president of PCC on July 1. For more information, please visit Mr. Brent Harpham began on July 17 and replaces Dr. Maria Pharr who was hired as the new president at South Piedmont Community College. Mr. Harpham joins the System Office after most recently being employed as the Associate Director of Analytical Quality Control at Seqirus and he brings a plethora of experience in pharmaceuticals and quality control.
Today, five state board members were sworn in by Justice Paul Newby, Senator Deanna Ballard and Representative Donny Lambeth; they include Mr. Frank Johnson, Ms. Ann Whitford, Mr. Wade Bryan Irwin, Jr., Mr. Burr Sullivan and Mr. Roderick Gooden. Mr. Johnson replaced Mr. Wade Bryan Irwin, Jr. (Region 2) and Ms. Whitford (Region 5) replaced Representative Jimmie Ford, both of whose terms expired on June 30. Mr. Irwin’s new seat (Senate) was held by Dr. Darrell Saunders and Mr. Burr Sullivan’s seat (House) was held by Ms. Janet Lowder, whose terms also expired. Mr. Roderick Gooden serves on the board as the representative and president of the NC Community College Student Government Association.
Scott Shook remains the Chairman of the State Board and Mr. Jim Rose was elected Vice-Chairman. Additionally, the board approved Dr. Bill Aiken as the Interim President at Cleveland Community College effective August 1. Mr. Aiken, retired president of Sampson Community College, will take the helm after the retirement of Dr. Steven Thornburg. For more information, visit