State Board of Community Colleges to Meet
RALEIGH – The State Board of Community Colleges will hold its regularly scheduled meeting Thursday and Friday, December 3 and 4 in Raleigh. The two-day meeting will begin Thursday, December 3 at 11 a.m. with a meeting of the Presidential Search Committee, followed by an issues luncheon on “The NC Competency Based Education Project Update” presented by Michael Horn, Assistant to the President at Central Piedmont Community College.
Committee meetings will resume at 1:30 p.m. The Finance Committee will review the summer full-time equivalent student (FTE) Report and a summary of 2014-15 state-funded financial aid programs. The Program Committee will take action on the multiple pathways to high school equivalency model as an alternative for earning a high school equivalency diploma. The Strategic Planning Committee will review information on Governor Pat McCrory’s postsecondary goal and receive updates on the Align4NCWorks strategic plan.
The full Board will convene Friday at 9 a.m. All meetings are open to the public and will take place in the NC Community College System Office at 200 W. Jones Street in Raleigh.