Transfer Advisory Committee Actions – January 21, 2025

From: Dr. Torry L. Reynolds, Associate Vice President, Student Services
To: Chief Academic Officers, Chief Student Development Administrators

As a part of the January 21, 2025, meeting, the Transfer Advisory Committee (TAC) reviewed the request to add PED 277-Ultimate Frisbee to the transfer course list with the designation of pre-major/elective. The current transfer course list already includes all one-credit PED activity courses in the pre-major/elective category, so no further action is required.


The transfer course list is available on the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement | NC Community Colleges webpage. If you have questions, please contact Torry Reynolds at 919-807-7108 or



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Dr. Jeff Cox 

Mr. Peter Hans

Dr. Kimberly Gold

Mr. Jim Morton

Dr. Aswani Volety  

Dr. Brian Merritt

Dr. David English Dr. Lisa Eads

Dr. Jonathan Loss Ms. Angela Anderson

Dr. Eric Fotheringham

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