Annual Reporting Plan for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year
This numbered memo is to communicate the availability of the Annual Reporting Plan for fiscal year 2024-25 as posted to the NCCCS website ( on May 1, 2024. This plan is in accordance with 1B SBCCC 700.9 Provision of Information to the System Office and 1H SBCCC 200.2 Withholding of State Funds for Administrative Support.
The Annual Reporting Plan is a schedule of due dates for reports and data files required from North Carolina’s community colleges to be in compliance with federal, state, State Board of
Community Colleges and other agency required reports.
Each institution has designated a College Data Coordinator to help streamline the submission process, as well as improve communications regarding Annual Reporting Plan updates, changes, or questions. The list of College Data Coordinators can be found on the NCCCS website:
If you have any questions, please contact Marnie MacKenzie, Documentation Specialist, Data
Management & Integration at (919) 807-6965 and