Our Leadership Team

Meet the senior leadership team of the North Carolina Community College System, comprised of accomplished professionals dedicated to advancing education and the success of our community colleges. Read their bios below to learn about their extensive experience and contributions to our mission.

Dr. Jeff Cox


Dr. Kimberly Gold

Chief of Staff

Dr. Brian Merritt

Sr. Vice President and Chief Academic Officer

Dr. Phillip Price

Sr. Vice President and Chief Finance Officer

Jonnell Carpenter

General Counsel

Dr. Patrick Crane

Vice President of Strategic Initiatives

Patrick Fleming

Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer

John Loyack

Vice President of Economic Development

Dr. Bill Schneider

Vice President System Effectiveness

Nathan Hardin

Executive Director of Communications

Alex Fagg

Director of Government Relations

Amy Mast

Director of State Board Relations
200 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

(919) 807-7100